Should I go to Cannes Lions, (silent 's'...)?
Who Goes– Global attendance. Brands, agencies, adtech, vendors, studios, artists, industry leaders
Who you will meet– prearranged meetings are advisable or else you will get lost in the madness that is Cannes Lions.
Talks – industry leaders from all over the world spoke in the Palais. Many of the ‘popular’ speakers were then brought to tech giant beaches around La Croissette to communicate their knowledge and insights to a wider audience, to those of whom who were not registered as an official Cannes Lions delegate.
Networking is easy and plentiful but if you are not a natural schmoozer, it is highly advisable to base yourself at the Carlton terrace or the Majestic Lobby Bar at some point during your visit to Cannes. At any time of day (mostly evenings) you are guaranteed to meet many key influential people sipping rose and talking creativity. The later in the evening you go, the more open people will be to new contacts and conversations
Tech Beaches, Google Pride Party – you automatically have access to the biggest and best party on La Croisette IF you have signed up for the Google Beach ahead of time If you have failed to make it to the Google Day Club ahead of their big pride bash, it will be an absolute nightmare to gain entry
Value for Money – Cannes doesn’t have to be super expensive but it depends how deep you roll and how you are positioning yourself and your company to your clients. Regardless of your budget, Cannes is currently a “must attend’ event, so whether you stay at the Majestic, the Carlton, Hotel du Cap-Eden-Roc or in an air bnb in the old town, it is definitely an event to be added to your marketing budget. Need help organizing your Cannes 2019 – contact us
Networking opportunities– HUGE. The trick here is to RSVP to as many events as possible and when you are at these events TALK TO PEOPLE. Don’t be shy.
Vegetarian Friendly– NO. Absolutely not. Unless you are a vegetarian who likes to eat only Caprese salads (heavy on the cheese), fresh baguettes, pasta and perhaps some late night pizza, I highly recommend you stock up on breakfast and bring some protein bars with you for subsidence.
Returning 2019? – Hell YES